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Twilight Aromatherapy Group Studies (TAGS) > Full Moon of Balance

Meditation Tools for Grounding and Stabilizing


Full Moon of Balance

(Sorry this limited edition  kit is no longer available)

  • 1 Feather
  • 1 Hematite
  • 1 – 5 ml Vetiver
  • 6 Red Mini Candles
  • 1 Silver Gift Box with the Tri Flame Photo Art of Steffanie P.



 The essential oil of Vetiver is obtained through steam distillation of the roots of this tropical grass that can grow up to 6 feet high. Some say the fragrance resembles the smell of freshly turned earth. Which makes this essential oil very grounding, nurturing and balancing.  It has been used in the spa/salon industries for its ability to strengthen connective tissue in facials and massage when diluted in a carrier.

It is considered balancing to the female hormone system during menopause and  helps alleviate postpartum depression. It is considered a general immunostimulant and helps stimulate the circulatory system. Many people use Vetiver in their meditations and guided imagery to reconnect with spirit, promote wisdom and give you the courage to focus on the present.


The hematite stone was used in the Middle Ages to stabilize circulation and to symbolize courage. It was used for its grounding and balancing  ability on the emotions. Known as a healing stone when placed on the body it was suppose to absorb illness. Hematite is an iron oxide and when placed on the base chakra is supposed to assist with disorders of the blood including anemia.


The color red is stimulating and energizing. It is the color of courage and helps to ground and stabilize the emotions. Red and black are related to the root and base chakras. The black of the hematite stone also contains red. They are the colors of protection and courage.

Art Box

Designed in silver for its protective properties and its association with the Full Moon this art box is adorned with the popular tri flame photo by Steffanie P. Photography. The present is represented by the in focus center flame and your past and future are slightly out of focus reminding you to learn and honor your past and have an optimistic outlook for your future while firmly being present in the “Now”.

 Don’t miss the weekly discussions at www.twilighttherapy.com every Tuesday evening where various guests share their knowledge on topics such as color therapy, cooking with essential oils, breath therapy and so much more.

Patrina R