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A Vintage Inspired Therapy System
Certified Organic, Pesticide-Free, GC/MS Tested, Animal Friendly Products
Twilight Aromatherapy Group Studies (TAGS) > Connection



Kit of Connection
(Sorry this limited edition kit is no longer available.)




Twilight Liquid Coconut is a fragrance-free carrier oil. It absorbs quickly into the skin and is water soluble. The coconut is widely used in folk remedies around the world for its ability to maintain the skins elasticity, strengthen connective tissue and help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It has anti-microbial properties and helps heal minor wounds and acne. This product is great used alone or Twilight essential oils can be added directly to the bottle.



JASPER (red)

In the Middle Ages Jasper was known as the warrior’s stone and symbolized will power. It is said to be a stimulating stone and helps to promote weight loss by increasing the metabolism when used to charge drinking water. Red Jasper is associated with root and base chakras which ground and connects you to the earth.  It is worn by women to enhance beauty and grace.


RED (Mini Candles)

the color red has been used in color therapy for its stimulating properties. It is an exciting and sensual color that is associated with the Base Chakra. Red triggers your survival instinct which is grounding. It is a color of strength, courage and connection to earth energy.





For more information please attend TAGS (Twilight Aromatherapy Group Studies) live online on Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM Central time. Just register on our “webinars and special events” page at www.twilighttherapy.com.





Michelle Ford