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Welcome To Twilight
A Vintage Inspired Therapy System
Certified Organic, Pesticide-Free, GC/MS Tested, Animal Friendly Products
Twilight Aromatherapy Group Studies (TAGS) > A Message from Saida

    Sitting in the wonderful, warm California sunshine with a cool ocean breeze blowing, I will attempt to explain to you how and why I chose to teach and use Breath Work and be a part of Twilight Vintage Therapies.

    In the beginning, I was a curious teenager (well, ok maybe that was half-way).  However, it was in my teen years when I first discovered breath.  I was in a dance class and my teacher used to teach Yoga as a part of our warm-up.  She often said, "let the inhale lift you."  I didn't really see the connection, but used it.  Later, as an expectant mother, I noticed the shortness of breath along about the third trimester and began a Lamase child-birth class to insure a quick, simple, easy delivery.  Well, that was the promise.  I am sure if I had know then what I do now about the breath and childbirth, my experience would have been different.  After giving birth two more times, raising all three plus two step children who blessed my life as teenagers, I stopped "Waiting to Exhale" (borrowing from the movie of the same title).  It was late 1994 when I left my husband and embarked on a new life, one that would take me far beyond any of my expectations.  In June of 1995, I was living in San Diego, CA, awaiting a divorce and discovering Holistic (natural) therapies.  I began with a simple 100 hour class in basic massage techniques.  I was hooked.  Each class syllabus I read intrigued me more.  I have always been interested in helping others and improving their lives in some way.  Holistic practices were all I thought they would be.  Now to learn them all and to be able to find the core, the very basis of all human suffering.  Well, let's just say everything I studied made sense and then there was the question, "Why?"  Why does that happen?  What can we do, discover, change that would change the outcome or prevent this from happening?  After completing my certification program for Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) in a little over 3 years, I was still not satisfied.  I knew ( and Know) there is still more to learn.  My children hearing of me attending still more classes told me I needed to find a "12-step program" for the educationally addicted.  Can't seem to do that, and have had an amendment added to my will stating the my books be buried with me so I will have plenty to read.  Between classes, I began my practice using all I could to assist others.

    Then in January of 2000, while the world held their breath awaiting Y2K, my baby sister (age 40) was told she had lost her battle with breast cancer and in the same month I was told I would begin mine.  One day a young woman, whom attended a Personal and Professional group as I did, asked for a massage in trade for what she did.  Not knowing what she did and really not caring, I agreed.  She received her massage and the following week I went to her for whatever she did.  I discovered she did "Transformational Breathwork."  I had never heard of it, but it would change my life forever.  The impact that single treatment had on my physical, emotional, mental, and Spiritual being was amazing.  I knew I would be signing up for that class no matter where I had to go.  Breath, so simple and so very powerful when used and understood, was the missing link I had searched for.  Breath went beyond the counseling, the Hypnotherapy, the nutritional counseling I had studied, and way beyond the massage I gave her.  My sister made her transition in June of 2000.  I stayed in California to undergo my treatment, not wanting to be a burden on my children and thinking I would be able to study and grow more there than in Mississippi.

    It was in 2002 I returned to Ocean Springs, MS, where three of my children were living, with the intent to open a Holistic wellness center.  I had finished my year of treatment and my oncologist said that it was his hope that all we did cured me, BUT...I had a 98% chance of it returning within the next two years.  That was his vision for my future, not mine.  I had a vision of building a place where there were mulitple practitioners, all working together assisting each other and the community.  Within the first three weeks of moving to Mississippi, I have a center, and within the first year had met my teacher of Breathwork.  Dan Brule', Master teacher, internationally known, and not only a gifted breath worker, but also a wonderful, loving spirit.  I was transformed and knew I had to get the word out and find a way to teach and use the power and might potential of Breath.

    I have always been a visionary.  My problem was I knew where I was and what my plan was and even where I wanted to go with it,  but I was not a business-minded person.  I prayed many a night, "Lord, send me a person of vision who knows how we can get from point A to point Z and the cajones to make it happen."  I was so set on making this happen I moved into my daughter's garage, which they converted into a comfortable studio apartment for "crazy ole mom" so I could devote all my energy to my dream.  Day after day I worked 12-16 hours at the center, networking, designing, marketing, you name it.  My wonderful children, who were concerned for me, told me I needed to get out, to meet people, and that the lady across the street seemed really nice and that they were sure we would share a lot in common.  One day by chance we met in the street, exchanged pleasantries, and she said that she was a beautician (she'll wring my neck for using that term...).  She had owned her own business and was in fact beginning to form another totally seperate business.  That was all I thought we had in common.  We said our goodbyes and I reported to my kids I had met the neighbor and she did hair...not much in common for us there.  Several months later my neighbor was setting up her booth next to mine at a local fair.  I asked what she was doing there and she said, "promoting my 'New Company' Twilight Aroma Therapies..."  Well, good for her, I thought and maybe we do have something in common.  She can be a part of my center or something.  Cool!  Then she asked what I was promoting because she knew I did massage, but didn't see a table and in fact, there was a booth that had a table and several students from a local Massage school buzzing around it.  I am here to talk about Breath Therapy (my latest and most fascinating course of study).  Light came on and I think I even heard Bells and Whistles.  She was not limiting her company to selling essential oils.  She was embarking on a much larger vision.  She was also wanting to include educators and include the use and benefit of Herbs (which was one of my studies), but she was told by spirit to include this new thing (recently spoken of, but not new to the use of) called Breath Work.  BINGO- The Universe was screaming out, "YOUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN HEARD...HERE IS YOUR SOMEONE WHO WILL TAKE YOU FROM POINT A TO POINT Z."  It is your neighbor you have been looking for.  Just as in breath, the solution to your problem is right under your nose.  That was in early 2004.  Miss Katrina blew in and stirred things up, but she was unable to stop the determined woman of Twilight Vintage Therapies.

    Twilight Therapies gave me the venue I was needing and Trina gave me the knowledge that the Universe had heard me and together we would be able to share with our community and the world.  Now not only through lecture, workshops, and classes, but through CD's, DVD's, workbooks, and the internet.  Twilight Therapies will be working with me and others to "CHANGE THEIR BREATHING AND CHANGE THEIR LIVES."

    Our first CD on the basic use of breath for relaxation and discovery will be available this fall.  This is the first in the series of tools to assist you in making amazing changes in your lives and in the lives of others.
