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Sage Incense Botanicals > Frankincense Resin
Frankincense Resin

Price: $10.50
Availability: in stock


Hey There Everyone, We discontinued Frankincense Oil and Resin until further notice. This video is from the Save Frankincense  page on Facebook.

An Alternative is Dragon's Blood or Myrrh Resins.


It's intoxicating aroma will encourage deep breathing and focused meditation. It was believed in ancient times that the smoke from burned Frankincense tears carried your prayers and messages to the Divine and the spirit world.

Frankincense is a resin obtained from a variety of Frankincense trees that grow in Somalia, Arabia, India, Ethiopia and Oman.

It's intoxicating aroma will encourage deep breathing and focused meditation. It was believed in ancient times that the smoke from burned Frankincense tears carried your prayers and messages to the Divine and the spirit world. 

I use frankincense oil in the studio for skincare applications and treatments to help reduce strech marks and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. 

The most known historical mention of frankincense is when the three very wise men gifted Mother Mary with this heavenly resin. It has been used and researched for postpartum depression and helps to balance the female hormone system. 

This lovely resin will lift your spirits and provide comfort to your heart. 









Be sure to store your smudging herbs, resins, spices and plant matter in a dry place protected from direct sunlight.


When ready to use be respectful and use caution when burning your bundles, resins or herbs. Light the tip of the bundle from a candle or lighter. I prefer a candle (simply because I usually end up burning myself with a lighter, oops). Lightly blow the flames out, allowing the bundle to smolder.


Burn on a fireproof surface and watch closely to prevent falling embers as you gently fan the smoke. Use in a partially ventilated area. Take into consideration any allergies to plant matter  you may have and avoid their use.



  • Emotional Balance
  • Wound Healing
  • Cold Symptoms
  • Reduces the Appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Female Hormone Balancing
  • Bronchial Congestion
  • Uplifting
  • Promotes Positive Energy
  • Cleanses the Aura
  • Improves Air quality
  • Promotes Deep Breathing
  • Helps you overcome your doubts and fears
  • Connects you to Divine energy of God
  • Encourages restful sleep
  • Improves focus during meditation




 You may choose 1TBL Frankincense Tears(resin);

or The Frankincense Kit #1 which includes 1 TBLS of tears and a quartz chip stretch bracelet; Free mini Treasure chest ( colors and styles may vary, while supplies last)

or a 5ml bottle of Frankincense oil;

or the complete collection of 1TBLS Tears, Quartz Braclet, 5 ml essential oil. ( Free mini Treasure Chest (colors and styles may vary, while supplies last)



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* Consultant your physician before incorporating the use of any integrative, vintage, complementary therapy into your lifestyle. This newsletter is an informational guide and collection of uses from clients, friends, family and books. It is not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment.


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